David Broyles delivers messages from associates about what Averitt drivers mean to us. Every day, our drivers put on the uniform. They excel. They lead. They drive. They inspire. And they deliver.
Host David Broyles gets an update on DriveWyze from Lyle Daniels
Host David Broyles discusses new updates to the People Like You referral program with driver John from Clarksville.
Host David Broyles talks about the financial benefits of being tobacco-free with Elise Leeson from Human Resources.
Host David Broyles talks about what to do when you're in an accident with Angie Leathers from Risk Management.
Lyle Daniels chats with host David Broyles about the new Workflow in Qualcomm
Danny Crooks chats with host David Broyles about the new Compensation Plan.
Danny Crooks gives more updates about Minimum Miles with host David Broyles.
Lyle Daniels visits David Broyles in the studio to share all the info on the new Elite Pass for tolls. How, when and where to get it!
Danny Crooks does a follow-up chat with host David Broyles about updates for minimum miles and compensation.
Danny Crooks chats with host David Broyles about updates in compensation.
Brain Dudney chats with host David Broyles about exciting new structural changes on the horizon in Truckload.
Marsha Brock joins David Broyles to talk about details and benefits of your annual Health Screening.
It's finally here! Host David Broyles talks about all the features of the new Averitt App for drivers with Driver Trainer Robert Crabtree and Corporate Safety Manager Jason Bolton.
Host David Broyles talks benefits, health screenings, red thinkin' rewards, uniforms, hours of service changes and more in this multi-guest podcast.
Special guest talks with host David Broyles about Hours of Service changes. Other topics include Red Thinkin' Rewards and Christmas messages from Gary Sasser and Danny Crooks.
Host David Broyles visits with Dan Singer, Brian Dudney and Lyle Daniels about the new rewards program already underway for Averitt truckload associates.
It's almost time to choose our benefits for 2017! Listen in as host David Broyles talks with Vice President of Human Resources Elise Leeson to discuss our benefits package for 2017, how to complete your benefits enrollment, and what dates enrollment will take place.
Join Averitt associates from LTL, Truckload, Supply Chain and Maintenance as we celebrate Driver Appreciation Week.
Host David Broyles talks with members of the driver support team and gives us the how and when to best utilize driver support resources.
Host David Broyles talks with Robert Crabtree about the new easy weigh smart phone application he's been testing.
Special Guest Elise Leeson joins host David Broyles in a discussion of upcoming events, info and helpful tips for summer driving. David kicks off a new ongoing segment for getting to know fleetmanagers with Jennifer Burgess.
Richard King joins host David Broyles to discuss The Power of One concept and what that means to our associates.
Host David Broyles talks with special guests about Averitt's On Tour Logistics division.
Host David Broyles talks with special Risk Management guests Rhonda Otto about new technology coming, and how it benefits the driving associates.